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Visiting the Center

Come Hang out!

We have comfy chairs, outlets to use, and Wifi available for our visitors; the password is on the community chalkboard. We also sometimes watch tv or videos together– please ask the volunteer on duty before use, and checking in with other visitors present before turning on a show. Come be in community and share space with us!

Kitchen Area

We have a kitchen area, complete with full size fridge and freezer, microwave, and kitchen sink. There is also a large counter area with multiple outlets for the crockpots to stay plugged in for potlucks. We like to keep the fridge stocked with water and sodas, so if you’re at the store and want to pick up a few extra bottles we’d be greatly appreciative (or check our our full wish list).


The Center also houses the Alice Johnson Jennings Library. Stop by and browse during the Center’s open hours!


Parking for the center is available on the street (2 hr parking between 7am-6pm) There is also paid parking available in the lot next to 1502 Fabrics (to the left of our storefront.)

Our Story

It all started...

In 2012, Teresa Carter completed a Needs Assessment at the PRIDE Winston-Salem march concerning whether the Triad area needed a LBGTQ Community Center. At that time, there was no LGBTQ Center in the Triad. Raleigh and Charlotte had Centers and Ms. Carter visited both and gathered information on how to start and fund a Center. At the PRIDE March in Winston-Salem over 93% who completed the Needs Assessment stated that there was a great need for a LGBTQ Center in Winston-Salem.

In 2012, Ms. Carter began organizing a Board for the Center and Winston-Salem Equality, another non-profit in Winston-Salem agreed to merge with North Star Community Center. The name for the Center came from the first Gay Comic Strip hero named North Star. In addition, the North Star is where you look in the sky for directions.

The non-profit paperwork for the 501c3 was completed and in 2013 the search was on for a location for the Center. The first location of the Center was 704 Brookstown Ave in downtown Winston-Salem. It
was a very large house with great space. It is now home to Positive Wellness Alliance. Due to many issues the Center moved to what is the now the Center’s location on Burke Street. North Star also was
an umbrella organization for “Out at the Movies” until they gained their 501c3 status.

The first grants awarded to North Star were: Adams Foundation Grant, Winston-Salem Foundation Grant, Smith Reynolds Grant, Arcus Foundation Grant and Reynolds Foundation Grant. The Grants made
it possible for North Star to hire their first Center Manager. The library at North Star also was made possible by a private donation by Kevin Jennings in honor of his mother. The furniture at North Star was made possible by a private donation from Keith Preston Phillips. North Star started a very successful fundraiser named “In Good Company” which was attended by 250 guests from Winston-Salem’s large and small businesses and recognized them for their policies regarding equality and LGBTQ. The event was held at the Embassy Suites Banquet Room. The events raised over $20,000 each year it was held.

Bishop Gene Robinson held the invocation our first year of the event and we had many guest speakers.

As founder of North Star, I am so proud of the many Board members, volunteers, donors and staff who continue to provide a safe space for everyone to be themselves and provide many support groups and activities. I Cannot wait for the the next 10 years!

Board of Directors

center hours
11:00 AM
3:00 PM
11:00 AM
3:00 PM
11:00 AM
3:00 PM
North STar LGBTQ Community Center

930 Burke St. Winston-Salem, NC 27101

Mailing Address:

PO BOX 20366, Winston-Salem, NC 27120

(336) 893-9053 

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